Facial Trauma
Facial trauma is any injury of the face and upper jaw bone (maxilla).
As per our expert maxillofacial surgeon blunt or penetrating trauma can cause injury to the area of the face that includes the upper jaw, lower jaw, cheek, nose, or forehead. Common causes of injury to the face include :
Automobile accidents
Penetrating injuries
Changes in sensation and feeling over the face
Deformed or uneven face or facial bones
Difficulty breathing through the nose due to swelling and bleeding
Double vision
Missing teeth
Swelling around the eyes that may cause vision problems
Patients who cannot function normally or who have significant deformity will need surgery.
The goal of treatment is to:
Control bleeding
Create a clear airway
Fix broken bone segments with titanium plates and screws
Leave the fewest scars possible
Rule out other injuries
Treat the fracture
Treatment should be immediate, as long as the person is stable and there are no neck fractures or life-threatening injuries.